DAO.vc is a decentralized autonomous organization that acts as a service for a blockchain-based tokenized pool governed through common voting for investment projects selected according to an algorithm established. The platform is based on the autonomous voting regime for participants who collectively use various assets based on smart contracts and other governance functions.
The DAO.vc ecosystem offers secure entry even with small capital, thus making the platform available for every investor.
Decentralized venture ecosystem DAO.vc is a universal solution for the venture capital industry. It is an automatized venture investment aggregator based on DAO principles, enabling investing in IT startups and blockchain projects:
The DAO.vc ecosystem combines efficient strategies of classical enterprises and innovative DAO solutions:
Social platform with marketplace elements — for investors, startups, and freelancers.
Crowdfunding and crowdinvesting platform.
Launch Laboratory — a startup incubator.
Special limited venture partnership, registered in Luxembourg.
Blockchain-based tokenized community pool governed by the community according to the DAO principles.
The DAO.vc service is designed to solve the following tasks:
Express analysis of new projects co-investment.
Consensus methodology implementation by voting, approving, offering, etc. co-investment projects.
The creation of the co-investment platform based on Ethereum and Binance Chain in its capacity as DAO.
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